via Liane Ng's photostream

via David Mihaly's photostream
I finally gave in. I bought the Ansco Pix Panorama after pining for it since last year. I'm hoping to get photos as good as these photos above. It should arrive today or tomorrow.
What I love about the photos is that, being the frustrated screenwriter that I am, they all look like they could be stills from a film. Plus, it's 35mm. I would love to able to use 120mm cameras, but they're just a pain to find, and totally expensive too.
Now I'm going through photos on flickr shot with the Ansco Pix Panorama, and it's getting me all excited. I notice how good most of the photos are, as they can look dreamy, or clear, or moody, depending on the available light. And I think I can use it in low-light settings, which I haven't been able to do with the zumi or the disderi, so that gets me excited. I was just wondering, does anybody else do that to an obsessive level before getting a new camera - browse through flickr for photos taken with said camera? I do that all the time - and it works both ways: I get super excited about the camera, but then end up really disappointed when my first test rolls do not turn out the way I want. But I suppose that's part of the deal, right? It makes triumphs far sweeter, I suppose.
I'll definitely share my first photos after I receive the camera.
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